EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

30.5.2024 15:00

Finland Chamber of Commerce or Microsoft Teams

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union and New Zealand entered into force 1 May 2024! We are delighted to to invite you to hear about this milestone in trade relations between the EU and New Zealand.

What benefits does this agreement brings to Finnish companies? How to save costs? What opportunities does the New Zealand markets offer in general? Come to hear answers to these questions and more from our high-level speakers on 30 May at the Finland Chamber of Commerce. The event will be held in a hybrid format.

Date and time: Thursday 30 May 2024 at 15:00
Venue: Finland Chamber of Commerce, Alvar Aallon katu 5C, 00100 Helsinki or Microsoft Teams

We will be given several presentations from high-level speakers on the concrete benefits of the new FTA, on how it eases customs regulation and what possibilities in general New Zealand provides to Finnish companies. We will also hear from the Ambassador of New Zealand to Sweden and Finland. Moreover, we will get to know the people who know the New Zealand market best from the point of view of Finnish trade, the Honorary Consuls of Finland in New Zealand.


You may register using the registration form underneath. Please register by 27 May. 
Coffee and tea will be provided to those who attend at the Finland Chamber of Commerce.


15:00 Welcoming remarks, Finland Chamber of Commerce

15:05 EU-NZ-FTA – benefits for companies, Mr Ilkka Saarinen (Director, MFA Finland)

15:20 Finland’s market opportunities from New Zealand perspective, H.E. Mr David Taylor (Ambassador of New Zealand, Stockholm)

15:35 New Zealand Market opportunities for Finnish companies,  Mr Riku Mäkelä (Senior Director, Business Finland)

15:50 Customs requirements for obtaining preferential treatment, Mr Ville Pikkarainen (Customs Finland)

16:05 Presentation of Finland's honorary consuls in New Zealand
Ms Christine Linton (Auckland)
Mr Michael Scannell (Wellington)

16:20 Networking

16:45 End of event


For more information, please contact Mirjam Ligi, mirjam.ligi(a)

Picture used above from Pixabay.

No tickets available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   30.5.2024 15:00
Ends:   30.5.2024 16:45

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Event location

Finland Chamber of Commerce or Microsoft Teams

Alvar Aallon katu 5C
00100 Helsinki

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