Latvia - your next destination for business

2.12.2020 13:00

Online, Teams

Time: Wednesday 2nd December 2020 starting at 13.00 (Finnish time)
Place: Virtual meeting (Teams)

Latvia is among the closest export markets for Finland. The Baltic countries have a 5 million population and offer good cooperation opportunities in several sectors - from woodworking to mechanical engineering but also in biomedicine and IT, and others. Latvia is a central hub for the Baltic markets and situates close to the other European markets. Over 300 Finnish companies are operating in Latvia.  

Latvian tax system has been rated as the 2nd best among the OECD countries, according to the 2020 International Tax Competitiveness Index. In addition, Latvia also offers Special Economic zone tax benefits in 4 locations in Latvia that make the manufacturing activity in Latvia very appealing.

Being located at a 400 km distance, the Latvian capital Riga is close by and will be even better connected when the Rail Baltica project will be implemented in addition to the excellent flight connections.

Join us to learn more on the cooperation opportunities to grow your business from close to home destination!

This event is co-organized by Enterprise Europe Network, law office Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns, Finnish-Latvian Trade Association and Helsinki Chamber of Commerce. 


13.00 Opening of the event
Jan Nyholm, Chair, Finnish-Latvian Trade Association

13.05 Political and economic outlook of Latvia
Antti Kauttonen, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Finland in Latvia

13.20 Cooperation opportunities in Latvia
Alise Barvika, Head of the Representative Office in Finland at Investment and Development Agency of Latvia 

13.40 Legal aspects                      
Elīna Vilde, Senior Associate, Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns 
Anete Marhele, Head of Tax, Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns 

14.10 Company case
Tuomas Virtanen, Managing Partner, CIVITTA Finland,
Ņikita Pušņakovs, Associate Partner, CIVITTA Latvia

14.25 Finnvera - Export Credit Agency                      
Anu-Leena Koskelainen, Head of Country Risk Management, Finnvera

14.45 Discussion

15.00 Closing the event
Jan Nyholm, Chair, Finnish-Latvian Trade Association

The event is free of charge, but needs registration no later than 30th November 2020.

We wish you most welcome to our event.

Enterprise Europe Network
Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns
Finnish-Latvian Trade Association
Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce

latviahesaeen_suther_englanti.jpg (67 KB)

Picture:, the archive of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

No tickets available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   2.12.2020 13:00
Ends:   2.12.2020 15:00

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Event location

Online, Teams